What We Offer
Parent Partnership and Accreditation
KCA operates as a Parent Partnership Co-op, involving parents heavily in the educational process. They provide a fully accredited high school track and options for students interested in a homeschool certificate.
Holistic Approach
We emphasize the importance of a child's education and discipleship starting at home. KCA works with the entire family unit and values the partnership between parents and staff for the student’s growth.
Student Involvement and Ministry
Students at KCA are actively involved in day-to-day ministry and have opportunities to develop their God-given gifts through leadership roles, Bible studies, and mission trips. We aim to nurture and utilize students' talents for service from a young age.
Programs and Support
We offer various programs including in-house counseling, leadership classes, competitive sports, prophetic art training, worship team experience, and media team mentorship. We partner with many organizations to support personal growth and healing for students and families.